Características de la cadena de valor de la alimentación en Euskadi

The Basque Country and its food sector

Relevant data on the food chain of value in the Basque Country

Importance of the food chain of value in the Basque Country

of the GDP

The Basque Country Food Chain of Value’s contribution to the GDP


The Basque Country Food Chain of Value’s contribution employment

The Food Chain of Value accounts for 10.7% of the GDP and creates 143,274 jobs directly in the Basque Country (15.3%).

Primary sector

(agriculture, livestock, forestry and fishing)

  • Primary sector GDP: 0.71%.
  • Agricultural operations: 15,487.
  • Fishing vessels: 219.
  • Primary sector employment: 11,743 (1.16% of the Autonomous Basque Community total).

Agro-food and Forestry Industry

  • Food and Drink Industry GDP 1.58%.
  • Wood and Paper Industry GDP: 0.8%.
  • Establishments: 1,341.
  • Food and Drink Industry Employment: 14,679 (1.45%).
  • Wood and Paper Industry Employment: 0.8-1.0%.

Food commerce

  • Food commerce GDP: 2.74%.
  • Food commerce employment: 38,571 people (3.81%).

Restaurant Industry

  • Restaurant Industry GDP: 4.17%.
  • Restaurant industry employment: 51,023 people (5.04%).

Food transport

  • Food transport GDP: 0.6%.
  • Food transport employment: 4,657 people (0.46%).

Uncharacteristic branches

(non-food branches related to food–innovation, education, health, etc.)

  • Uncharacteristic branches GDP: 0.90%.
  • Uncharacteristic branches employment: 16,805 people (1.66%).


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